Travel Claims

Travel Insurance Claims

The Insured

Policy Number: * Claim Number: Name of Insured:*

Policy Holder Details:

Occupation: *
Business: *
Telephone Number: *

Personal Luggage

Name of Owner: *
Date of Loss or Damage:* Time of Loss or Damage: *
Circumstances of loss or damage:*
If luggage or money is insured under any other Policy, please state the name of address of insurers *
Name of Insurer:* House/Lot #: * Road/Avenue: *
Area in PA:* Parish Area: * Parish: *

Details of Luggage

No. of Articles Description When Purchased Where Purchased Cost Paid Amount Claimed

Personal Accident/Loss of Deposits

Name of Injured person: * Date of Birth: * Occupation: *
House/Lot #: * Road/Avenue: *
Area in PA: * Parish Area: * Parish: *
Description of Accident &/or illness:*
Date of Accident: * Time: a.m./p.m. * Nature of Injury: * Name of Doctor who attended: *
House/Lot #: * Road/Avenue: *
Area in PA: * Parish Area: * Parish: *
Has a similar injury been sustained before?* If so, when? * Name of Usual Doctor: *
Yes No
House/Lot #: * Road/Avenue: *
Area in PA: * Parish Area: * Parish: *
During what period was the injured person totally disabled from attending to any part of his occupation or profession? *
From To
If total disablement continues, a medical certificate will be required from the injured person's usual Doctor.
1. Amount of Deposit
2. Percentage returned by carrier
Net amount claimed
Date: Signature of Insured:

Medical and Other Expenses

Name of Person Concerned: * Date of Birth: *
House/Lot #: * Road/Avenue: *
Area in PA: * Parish Area: * Parish: *
Nature of injury or illness: * Date: * Cause of injury or illness: *
Name of Doctor who attended: * House/Lot #: * Road/Avenue: *
Area in PA: * Parish Area: * Parish: *
If the cause was illness, has the person concerned previously suffered similar illness? * If so, when? *
Yes No
Details of expenses claimed. *
Receipts and documents supporting this claim are to be sent with this form.
I declare that the particulars given on this form are, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete.
I declare that the particulars given on this form are to the best of my knowledge, true and complete.
Date: Signature of Insured: